Thursday, August 6, 2009


Before I break into my usual doing the most rant I have to point out that its been nearly 2 weeks since I last blogged. What is my life about, right....clearly I need to get it together. And I wasn't even on vacation!!! Come to think of it, me and a vacation (or lack there of) is a topic i'll be covering soon...very soon

Anyway, so in my absence a video was going around the internet of Stephon Marbury having what looked like a slight breakdown. Granted he breaks down when a gospel song comes on so in his defense he could have just been moved by the song (or it could be the cocaine but whatevs). BUT still why the hell would he UStream himself crying??? Clearly doing the most. Watch the video below.

so today i was doing my usual blog crawl and came across his latest video. Now, Folks, I'm slightly confused. He's dancing to "Barbie World" but his moves don't sync with the video...not even a little bit. The description under the video says that the song isnt actually the song that he's dancing to. OK...fine. WHY THE HELL IS HE DANCING AROUND LIKE THAT??!!! I noticed that the guy in the video has a tattoo on the side of his head (at least it looks like a small tattoo to me) Does Stephon have a tattoo on the side of his head (too lazy to look it up) if he doesn't who the hell is this strange man dancing around like this???

If this is Stephon, the dancing is just not sexy. And shouldn't he be at a training camp or something???!!!!

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