Why would they think this helps??!!! I realize and understand that the New Yorker is a publication for people that are of a higher intellect. Yes there are those of us who are educated and can immediately see that the cartoon is meant to satrize the ridiculous rumors that surround the Obama campaign. However, Average Joe Schmoe living in Kalamazoo with an 11 grade education won't see all that. All he'll see is tonight's news with the cover of the New Yorker. Is he going to pay attention to whats being said...probably not. He's just going to go off the visual.
Although the intent was suppose to be good, it's just a bit irresponsible on the New Yorker's behalf. They can't realistically say that they didn't know the controversy the image would cause.
This, to me, just shows how racially insensitive America can be. Kinda like when your in college and there is a kid who hasnt been around a lot of black people and says stuff like "yo yo what up" everytime s/he speaks to someone black because s/he 1. thinks its funny and 2. thinks thats how black people really interact. When in reality its offensive.
And I know there will be people that will say "This isn't a black and white issue. People are overreacting and need to get just see it as a joke. If Hillary had been the candidate and the New Yorker had an illustration of her on the cover it wouldn't be a big deal". To that I say think about it like this...Will the New Yorker create an illustration to satrize McCain? Or better yet, why didn't The New Yorker satrize McCain first? And can we just admit that americans aren't that bright. Think of someone like Bush looking at that. I doubt he got the joke at first glance. Just saying....
It'll be intresting to see this unfold over the next few days. Oh and I'm mad they have Michelle looking like a Neo-Black Panther....don't make no damn sense!!!!
I 100% agree with your criticism...but... :)
Why should New Yorker have to censor their cover because there are a lot of stupid people in America? The media's job is not to pick sides - it is to report news and make people think. Now, usually this doesn't happen (I'm talking to you Fox and WB News). New Yorker is expanding a debate. Yes, the debate could have been done minus a controversial cover, but they are a business. And businesses need to create a stir to sell their product. I say smart people enjoy it - because I'm guessing the dumb ass folks in America don't buy/read New Yorker and, for the most part, won't even see this cover.
wow so the New Yorker shouldnt be under censorship...hmm It's funny they claim blacks need more personal responsibility all the time, but in a world where they media paints blacks any way they want its not a big deal? The media should also take responsibility for their actions! The arguement isnt that there shouldnt be a cartoon about Obama, but when your a major corporation with millions of readers you must have some sort of code or responsibility to up hold. I can not express how one sided the media has already been when dealing with Obama news they have painted a mental picture, and now they have literally painted a picture of what the media wants all Americans to think of Obama when they hear his name. This picture no matter then intent, was over the top, tasteless....Machine gun? Bin Laden? American flag burning? That a man cannot run for president in the US without scurrilous rumors circulating about his race, religion, sexuality, and/or patriotism is not an important issue? Somehow, I think that deserves attention, and I'd say rendering the absurdity in full color accomplishes that.I don't care how a person feels about Obama, that cartoon was in bad taste. I understand satire is designed to be offensive, but usually there is some truth to the satire, which is what makes it funny. This is just wrong
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