Thursday, July 10, 2008

Reason #5....and #6...

Thank you Jesse Jackson for confirming that we can never just be happy and supportive of each others success. The more disapponting side of this whole thing is that just when we thought there was finally a black leader to look up to and crush all the stereotypes, another black political leader has to step out and (as my mother would say) show his ass!!! WTF Jesse??!!! It's not like someone intercepted his phone call or someone happened to come across a stray email. Negro you are on LIVE TV!!!! SERIOUSLY...what's your life about. The song "Hi Hater" (youtube it) comes to mind when I think of the Jesse Jackson Obama relationship. Jesse is just mad that Obama has been able to do what he has always wanted to do but couldn't. Obama is living Jesse's American Dream. I'm sure that sucks. But damn Jesse...MAN UP!!!

Here's what he had to say for himself....

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