Monday, June 30, 2008

Express vs Local

I thought the intention of express train lines were to get you from point A to point Z quickly by skipping as many unnessaccary points in between. So folks, help me to understand why I can get on the A at an express station, leave less than 2 minutes after the C local but yet and still the C will arrive before the A. ( I read this back to it kinda confused me. Yes I know I wrote it but its a bit too much like an algebra equation. Algebra is NOT and will NEVER be my friend).

Maybe this is a Brooklyn only issue but I've been timing the trains over the last few days trying to figure out if bypassing the C for the A was actually saving me time or wasting time. Intuition was telling me that it was the latter but as I've said before I don't run on emotion so I needed proof.

I let the C roll out of the station. The A comes 2 min later. We were 2 stops ahead of the C and approaching the express station. There is a single track shared by the A and the C...basically both can't be in the station at once. We are at full thing I know we start slowing down. We stop. C goes past....

WTF folks. WTF!!!! Why even ride the express if a damn local train is going to be given priority in the tunnel. What sense does that make??? I really wanted to say outloud "Does anybody else see this shit??!! Am I the only person that finds this to be not OK". But I refrained because when you make outburst like that, people will look at you like your a mental patient. And for the record I do NOT know that from personal experience. I'm not that damn throwed off...yet :0)

1 comment:

J.Wynn said...

I catch the A at utica and I am faced with this dilemma everyday. Every time a jammed packed A train slows down in the middle of a tunnel always on the gangsta lean causing you to lose feeling in your arm from gripping a pole while trying not to rest your elbow on an old lady's head who just elbowed you in your ribs, you start thinking maybe I should have got on that C train with all those yellow and orange available seats. I've learn to take the C train if its less packed than the A because it makes no difference in life. For some reason the A is always behind schedule and has to let the C pass. You think raising the fare to 2 dollars would ameliorate the issue but another fare hike soon come...