Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I am not an advocate of child abuse of any kind BUT had this child been in my family...They would have taken turns beating his behind while CNN was filming. I know his grandma tore his behind up when he got home...

"I wanted to do hoodrat stuff with my friends".....REALLY...SERIOUSLY...that takes the cake.

I'm not even gonna to get into the issue of children embracing the idea of being a "hoodrat" and that "it's fun to do bad things"...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sigh....'s been a busy few days. Focus has been all sorts of off. Countless blog-worthy things have happened and I'm just to damn distracted to even write about it. And once you miss it you miss it...can't go back and play catch up...

Can I just say that there's a problem when I'm angry and frustrated because my job makes it so that I can't blog...soo sad...

I'll get it together momentarily (meaning give me a day or 2)...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Papal Visit...Mass Mass

I'm extremely intrigued by the Pope's visit to the US. I am not Catholic and don't full understand the traditions or the specifics of Catholicism. I can't recall any other times a Pope has visited the US. Maybe I was too young to care or was in Western PA or South-Central PA where it wasn't as big of deal as it seems to be here in NYC. How often does this happen???

What I'm doing right now (in case anyone is curious...or ever wanted to get a sense of just how off I really am) is watching mass mass on TV (apparently this is called Papal Mass). I'm amazed at many people are in Yankee Stadium has been transformed into a temporary church. I wonder how many people (true catholics not weirdos like me) are watching this at home? And were tickets sold to attend Papal Mass? I have soo many questions. I feel like there should be a number I can call and get answers or at least a web address indicated during the telecast.

LOL...I was having a hard time following and then wondered why there weren't subtitles...then realized this isn't a foreign film nor was it intended for pure entertainment. Also realized that most other people watching this are probably already familiar with what is being said and don't need subtitles. Then I thought, what about followers that are hearing impaired? How the hell are they participating in this "monumental" event....


Yes folks, I am using closed captioning as subtitles to watch Mass live from Yankee stadium...and I'm not Catholic....clearly I have issues and nothing better to do with my Sunday afternoon....sigh.....

And how about the irony of Papal Mass falling on 4/20...

Did you ever notice that News Anchors use any excuse to become temporary commentators...seriously...anytime there is anything going on that is outside of typical news...they somehow turn it into something similar to a Football Game. I don't think it's necessary for them to be offering play by play comments on Mass...I might feel differently if their comments were actually answering some of my questions but that's not the case. They might as well start drawing circles and lines...

The mass has ended...go in peace...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Enough Stupid Names...

(DETROIT) In a decision that’s expected to send shockwaves through the African-American community—and yet, give much relief to teachers everywhere—a federal judge ruled today that black women no longer have independent naming rights for their children. Too many black children—and many adults—bear names that border on not even being words, he said.
“I am simply tired of these ridiculous names black women are giving their children,” said U.S. Federal Judge Ryan Cabrera before rendering his decision. “Someone had to put a stop to it.”

The rule applies to all black women, but Cabrera singled out impoverished mothers.
“They are the worst perpetrators,” he said. “They put in apostrophes where none are needed. They think a ‘Q’ is a must. There was a time when Shaniqua and Tawanda were names you dreaded. Now, if you’re a black girl, you hope you get a name as sensible as one of those.”

Few stepped forward to defend black women—and black women themselves seemed relieved.
“It’s so hard to keep coming up with something unique,” said Uneeqqi Jenkins, 22, an African-American mother of seven who survives on public assistance. Her children are named Daryl, Q’Antity, Uhlleejsha, Cray-Ig, Fellisittee, Tay’Sh’awn and Day’Shawndra.
Beginning in one week, at least three white people must agree with the name before a black mother can name her child.

“Hopefully we can see a lot more black children with sensible names like Jake and Connor,” Cabrera said.

His ruling stemmed from a lawsuit brought by a 13-year-old girl whose mother created her name using Incan hieroglyphics.

“She said it would make me stand out,” said the girl, whose name can’t be reproduced by The Peoples News’ technology. “But it’s really just stupid.”

The National Association of Elementary School Teachers celebrated Cabrera’s decision.
“Oh my God, the first day of school you’d be standing there sweating, looking at the list of names wondering ‘How do I pronounce Q’J’Q’Sha.’?” said Joyce Harmon, NAEST spokeswoman. “Is this even English?”

The practice of giving black children outlandish names began in the 1960s, when blacks were getting in touch with their African roots, said historian Corlione Vest. But even he admits it got out of hand.

“I have a niece who’s six. I’m embarrassed to say I can’t even pronounce her name,” said Vest, a professor at Princeton University. “Whenever I want to talk to her, I just wait until she looks at me and then I wave her over.”

Cabrera’s ruling exempted black men because so few of them are actually involved in their children’s lives....

Before folks start getting all upset and offended or applauding the Federal Judge...this isn't a real article.

Thanks Toya G.

Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm too damn old to be drinking Tang!!!

They thought it would be a good idea to have a fountain drink machine at the office. In theory, it's awesome. I LOVE juice. The drink of the week is Tang. I'm I work at a day care center...who over the age of 5 actually drinks Tang? I didn't even think they made Tang anymore...let alone sell it in bulk where someone was able to find enough to fill a fountain (that is a few gallons mind you) for a week.

Now because I love juice soo much I can be easily swayed into drinking just about any kind. So even though I knew better ...I got a glass...THE SHIT IS GROSS. Do not drink Tang under any circumstance. I wouldn't serve this to my enemy. If it was the last thing in the world to drink, my ass would just be dehydrated. Seriously....WTF. It's gross. I have a headache from a few sips and I'm pretty sure if I drink the entire glass I'll have a seizure....

Just say "NO" to Tang folks.....

I wonder if they'll take suggestions for the fountain drink of the week. Would Red Kool-Aid be an innapropriate suggestion.....I know, I know....this is why we ain't never gon be free....

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Reason #796,412...

....why we ain't never gon be free...

Like the guy in the video says "Why did that have to happen...?"

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I know that advertising has the power to make people believe the unbelievable but this is just RIDICULOUS....

This is why we ain't never gon be free...

Ever come across something so unbelievably ghetto that there are no words to explain…I mean ghetto to the point that if you had to recount the story to someone else you’d have to use 1 of the following phrases while describing the situation:
*”I’m Deadass”
*”Your not gonna believe…”
When I encounter said hot ghettomesses I typically say “That’s reason number xyz why we ain’t never gon be free…or simply “That’s why we ain’t never gon be free”.

Folks, allow me to get a tad deep for a moment…blacks were physically enslaved for a few centuries followed by additional decades of inequality, disenfranchisement, and oppression. The Civil Rights Movement helped us gain equality...GREAT. But folks, we still really aren't free. We are now mentally oppressed by, for the most part, our own doing. Of course not everyone is mentally oppressed but many are ruining it for others. And yes these fools know better.

So, moving forward (client correspondence phrase...clearly), if you see a post that simply says Reason #xyz, know that it ties back to this post.

And don't get it twisted...I love my people...but sometimes...we're doing the most...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

And Speaking of Sesame Street....

Quarter Life Crisis...

If your 24-26 I'm sure you'll be able to relate to this post. If not, perhaps your behind the curve or ahead of the curve or maybe your just in denial (remember...its a river Africa).

I feel like from early childhood through around graduation from undergrad there is a lot of effort put into making sure that individuals have some sort of guidance on what to expect with each stage of life, what to do what not to do...basically a heads up along the way. Theres all sorts of TV shows and stuff. Think about how much you learned from Sesame Street (some of which you can kinda still apply to life in some way or another)...remember after school specials...ALL SORTS OF STUFF...College, I'm sure everyone had some sort of orientation program with some crazy ice breaker to make everyone feel like a fool...and then everyone had an academic advisor that literally helped you plot out your road to graduation.

Then you graduate....and I feel like everyone is good through their first job (I'm sure the academic advisor and "career services" helped get your resume in check and pointed you in the right direction with your newly bought suit, a gift from a family member no doubt). I hope this isn't just my reality...

Then you hit 24...been working for 2-3 years and shit gets crazy. Chances are you start re-evaluating all sorts of aspects of life....what you do...who you are...where you are...friends...EVERYTHING is up for evaluation....

I'm sorry...where are the shows...the advisors (a therapist helps but that doesn't count in my book)???

I really feel like somebody should have given some sort of a heads up. And saying..."your'll figure it out later" or "You have your whole life to deal with all this" is NOT acceptable answers. Hell.....its not even advice. Its just stuff older people say because it seems like the right thing to say.

I kinda want to ask my parents why they didn't give me some sort of warning...but then again at 25 my parents had 5 yr old me (talk about a was an angel......with devil horns....) so they really didn't have the "luxury" of a crisis of any sort so maybe they didn't have these problems.

Luckily...I figured out who I am last year...friends I'm good...LOVE NYC (specifically Brooklyn) I'm good there....

Career......CRISIS. Need a TV...a book...a coach...probably a prayer... It's really difficult to realize that your first choice career may not have been the best choice. Especially when you consider the time and money spent in college to help get you closer to said career. And then the additional time spent honing skills for and in said career to continue to succeed.

So yea folks...I'm lost. I don't know what I want to do with myself. Any suggestions....? I'm drawing blanks....

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Now that stupidGENIUS has unleashed his ignorance all over doing the MOST (yea...i know...yall were like WTF...very confused) back to your regular blogger.

April Fool's folks....lighten up...

Young Plus Ignorant is Doing The Motherfu**in MOST!!!

You know me...the sarcastic comments...the over the top ignorant intellectual...The dude that pops bottles on a Tuesday night and stumbles into work on Wednesday morning in the same clothes smelling like Hennessey and Sour Diesel...hahahaha

Well ok, maybe you dont know me. Maybe you dont have the privilege of knowing a ni**a like me that's found a way to maintain his cool while everyone else is succumbing to the plague of button ups and hard bottoms. But Sllim does, so thanks to her maybe you can get to know me. Or maybe not. Really all depends on how I'm feeling at the time.

The only blazers I'll ever wear are Military. The only time I wear a button up is to a funeral, to church (but I never go), to job interviews, and if its laundry day and I dont have shit else clean.

But you want to know whats even more ignorant about me? I'm the dude that most women want to meet. Smart but not a fuckin geek. Cool but not so cool that he's stuck in the hood. The dude that has a job but knows what he wants out of life and realizes that his job is not his life.

But you probably just wrote me off as the ni**a that was too cocky to speak...or the one who was too stuck in his own world to care about anyone else...or the one that would never settle down because it's not in his character. Well...maybe you're right. But what if you're wrong. Will you be able to live with yourself? Because I know who I you?

I'm the dude that's doin the most...hahahaha I mean doing more than you. And I dont mean literally doing Ms. Doing The Most either you nasty nosy motherfu**ers...hahahahaha

how was that Sllim? Do I get to write up here again?

sG (stupidGENIUS if you're nasty...)